Wednesday, August 28, 2024



When a male penguin falls in love he searches for the perfect pebble. Once he finds it he presents it to the penguin he likes. Scientist sees this as a kind of penguin proposal. 

In recent years people have started "Pebbling" using social media and messaging. Many people like to send memes, GIFs, or short videos to friends. 

Psychologist are looking at pebbling as a great way to connect, share ourselves, and increase positive mental health.

When we see something online that we enjoy we often want to share it with others, especially those we feel would enjoy it too. When we send a "pebble" to another person we are raising our Dopamine levels. Dopamine is the chemical in our body that helps us feel happy. When we receive a "pebble" we feel connected, thought about, and even loved by another person. When we feel love and connect we experience an increase in Oxytocin. Oxytocin is the chemical in our bodies that helps us feel love and belonging.

Psychologist are seeing pebbling as a way to create a cycle of kindness. We all experience happiness and love.  Engaging in pebbling is providing a positive chain reaction.

I have previously shared a story about a time a teacher placed a Far Side comic on my desk. My teacher knew I was a runner and the comic featured a cheetah putting on running shoes. I loved it. I felt seen. My teacher took time to connect with me outside of math. Before pebbling was even a thing, my high school math teacher engaged in pebbling. I still have this Far Side tucked away in a box. 

Psychologist who are looking into pebbling are sharing that they see pebbling as a great way to connect to children.

What might it feel like for a student to walk into class one morning and see a paper on their desk and the paper was something just for them. You took time to learn a fact about your student and then utilized that to find or create a "pebble" to share. 

You could share something that a student might tuck away in a box and keep. 

Is there a teacher in the building that you want to connect with better, share a laugh, or brighten their day? Find a way to "pebble" them.

My challenge to us all is to engage in pebbling this year. Find creative ways to connect.

Below are some links to memes to help get you started.

Final thought for our first blog of the year, my pebble for you...

First Week of School