Wednesday, September 16, 2020

World Gratitude Day and Our Gratitude

 Monday September 21 is World Gratitude Day!

What are you grateful for today? 

Last week we looked at some studies that show the many benefits of writing and expressing gratitude. 

As we continue to navigate hybrid and online learning we find an increased need to find things in which we are thankful for with this school year.

Are we thankful for smaller class sizes and a quieter building? Or are we wish for the sounds of students to remind us where we are and what we are doing?

Are we thankful for Wednesday's without in-person students? Or do we wish to have every student, everyday?

Are we thankful for the support of administration? Fellow teachers? Behavior team? Support staff? Parents?

Are thankful for the fact that we can provide free meals to all students? 

Are we thankful for technology, enabling us to connect with students we do not get to see in person?

I would encourage us all to take some time to think about the school related things we are grateful for this year. It may be a challenge, but I'm hoping it's a challenge we can all rise to and conquer. 

It might be easier for some to think about the personal things you are thankful for first. Remember our WOOP and mental contrasting? With WOOP we set a goal and think of positive outcomes before obstacles.

Let's practice this idea with gratitude. After reading this post, take some time to write out a few things you are grateful for in your personal life. I hope this one easy. If it is a challenge due to difficult times, let me help and share some ideas.

Family: Relationship, Parent. Grandparent, Children, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, etc






Job (I hope we are all thankful for our job and enjoy working at Fortis, I know I am)


Fall (I love this time of year, even if I have yet to watch a Big10 football game)

Technology (staying connected with friends and family is such an important part of mental health)

Hobbies (I am grateful for Trisha's hobby, I love being able to take my mask off and still have it on me!)

Coffee (or other hot drinks that warm you up... or other caffeinated drinks that get you moving) 

And Hopefully So Many More!

If we look back at last weeks post we also talked about reaching out to a person we are thankful for and letting them. This is so important. It feels wonderful to let others know how much you appreciate them. The other person also receives a boost in happiness when they learn someone sees what they do and is grateful for their efforts and caring. 

Last week I challenged us to make our gratitude list and then share with someone our gratitude. I again challenge us to complete this task. I would also encourage us to take some time Monday to have our students participate in World Gratitude Day. Take five minutes with your students and ask them to make a list of 5 things/people they are grateful for and then have them share gratitude with at least one other person. 

As an added gratitude bonus I would love to express to everyone my gratitude for what you do. On Monday swing by my office for a little gratitude. 


  1. Can I be grateful and NOT grateful for technology at the same time? :)
