Tuesday, December 14, 2021

'Twas the Week Before Winter Break


‘Twas the week before Winter Break, when all through the school

Every teacher was stressed, even those who usually stay cool;

The backpacks were filled with holiday work with care,

In hopes that students soon would take it home and do it there;

The children each day struggled to come to school, they wanted to stay all snug in their beds;

There visions of two weeks of break danced in their heads;

And Mrs. Patton in her lighted necklace, and Mr. Waddle in his Santa cap,

Likes others were starting to settle their brains for a long winter break nap,

When out in the hall there arose lots of clatter,

The behavior team sprang out of their chairs to see what was the matter.

Away out their doors they flew like a flash,

Tore down the hall and up the ramp in a dash.

The sun shinning bright on the new-fallen snow,

Gave teachers false hope as they checked and saw the temperature was too low,

When what to Ms. Zoe’s keen eyes did appear’

But a cart like a sleigh and glee-filled admin in Christmas gear,

With a bright leader so lively and quick,

Ms. Sarah knew in a moment that it must be Mrs. Dixon, much better than St. Nick.

More rapid than falcons Mrs. Dixon’s deans they came,

And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:

“Now Shackelford! And Bock! On Swetz and Powers!

To the front of the school! To the side door, don’t fall!

Now dash out of the building; dash out; dash out all!”

As teachers on Friday at 3:45 fly,

When met with an activity they help and don’t ask why;

So up and down the halls the admin they flew

With a cart full of treats and Mrs. Dixon too-

And then, in a twinkling, Ms. Richardson heard in the hall

The dancing and cheering of admin one and all.

As Mx. Wray drew in their head, and was turning around,

Down the hall Mrs. Dixon and the deans came with a bound.

She dressed in red and green from her head to her toes,

And her clothes were all shinny with tinsel and Rodolph’s red nose;

A basket of goodies she had lining her cart,

And she looked as an elf, or maybe was just playing the part.

Her eyes- how they sparkled! Her smiles, how merry!

Knowing break was coming soon she was as sweet as a cherry!

The deans all helped deliver treats with a smile and a bow,

Getting all of the staff a chocolate treat to keep warm from the snow;

The teachers they all dressed in red, white, and green,

And this week while weary was the happiest this year they’ve been seen;

The staff were all smiles and energized for the day with pizza in the belly

Some teachers had a contest to see who could eat the most, most say it was Mr. Kelley.

The teachers had students convinced they were all watched by an elf,

And Ms. Hiller laughed when she saw them, in spite of herself;

A wink of Mrs. Dixon’s eye and a twist of her head

Soon gave Ms. Sentz to know she had nothing to dread;

She spoke words of cheer as she went about her work,

And told teachers to fill their bellies with treats; then turned with a jerk,

And packing up quick Mrs. Liskiewicz arose,

And giving a nod, out of the building she goes;

Ms. Hill sprang to her car, to her team gave a wave,

And away she flew like a bat from a cave.

But Mrs. Dixon heard all her staff exclaim, ere they drove our of sight-

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a great break and good night!”


  1. That is amazing. You are amazing. Happy Merry!!

  2. Wow - did you write this yourself?? It is AWESOME!!!

  3. This is awesome! You out did yourself on this one. :)
