Thursday, January 20, 2022

Safe, Connected, Loved

 This week I was introduced (via The Happiness Lab podcast) to the technique called Havening. As I have further explored Havening I have learned that it connects very well with mindfulness and can help us better support ourselves and our students.

The Havening Technique was developed by Dr. Ronald Ruden. Dr. Ruden used decades of neuroscience research to create Havening.

Havening helps trigger the production and use of the Delta brain wave.

Delta Brain Waves are known to be the slowest waves and they promote deep levels of relaxation, restorative healing, and restorative sleep. Delta waves also promote healing and a stronger immune system. 

Problems with Delta waves are typically related to sever ADHD, brain injury, learning problems, and inability to think.

If Delta waves are suppressed it can lead to the bodies inability to create restorative sleep, inability to rejuvenate the body, and an inability to revitalize the brain. 

Ok...Now that we have had a mini neuroscience lesson to help us understand why Havening is helpful, let's get back to Havening.

Dr. Ruden has found that when practiced Havening's ability to trigger Delta waves can help the mind and body heal from trauma and stress. Havening has been shown to help de-traumatize the memory and remove negative affects of trauma on the mind and body.

The practice of Havening can be done by others or the self. Self-Havening is a great technique to teach to our students. It creates a mindfulness practice that can help us as adults find peace in our own minds and body and be better equipped to support our students.

The Havening Technique focuses of hand movement on three specific areas of the body. 

The Face

The Arms (downward from shoulder to elbow ... or all the way to hand to transition into hands)

The Hands

Below is a video to show you an example of Self-Havening. 

Havening Video

This week as I have learned about Havening I have had a student learning it alongside me. He has practiced self-havening and I have helped with Arm Havening with him as well. While practicing Arm Havening it was observed by another that the student appeared very calm and at ease. 

Imagine how this practice could benefit you and your students. 

I have a goal to try this practice more. I hope you give it a try too. 

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