Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Rainbow Mindfulness

 This week's weather is perfect for A Rainbow Walk Mindfulness.

Rainbow Walk Mindfulness combines many mindful activities into one. 

A rainbow walk encourages us to get up and get moving. We take a calm, quiet, and focused walk outside. Taking a few minutes to enjoy the natural world and all it can give us. As we slowly walked with measured steps we take time to seek out the spectrum of colors in the rainbow. What can you find in nature that is ROYGBIV? As you move from one color to the other take in deep breaths and slowly breath out.

A rainbow walk can also combine the mindfulness of listening. What sounds do you hear and can you find the source and the color of the source? Is it a red-breasted Robin? Do you hear the hoot of a brown barn owl? Maybe you hear the soft meow of a calico kitten.

A rainbow walk can also combine the mindfulness of scent. What does the yellow flower smell like? Does the white blossom have a scent? Can you smell the fresh cut green grass?

A rainbow walk can be used with the mindfulness of touch. Is the tinny green leaf soft? Is the brown tree bark rough? 

We have the mindfulness of sight to which we have also added sound, touch, and smell. 

As the weather continues to warm and fruits and vegetables grow you can also add the mindfulness of taste. 

A rainbow walk is a great mindfulness for each of us to take on our own. If you want to do a class rainbow walk you can come back together and talk about the different colors each student found. This is a great connection moment for students. Circle up and build community as you explore what each student found in nature.

A rainbow walk is a great mindfulness for journaling. You can take time to write about your experiences. 

Mindfulness such as this help calm and cultivate focus. Students learn to have a specific task to focus on and accomplish. Find colors in nature. Connect your senses. Take deep breaths. Be present. 

Imagine the benefits your students and class as whole could experience. Imagine what you could gain.

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