Friday, February 3, 2023

Embrace the suck


Embrace the suck. This phrase comes from 2003 and the war in Iraq. It was first used by the military to say, that the current situation sucks, you have to deal with the suck, live through it, and work on moving through it and past it and make the situation better. 

For our purposes this could mean this week's cold snap and all the indoor recesses. Embrace the suck WITH the students. Mindfully get creative and live through the situation to make it better and move forward.

This could also be for all of the upcoming/current testing. Embrace the suck with your students, mindfully. 

What does this look like?

Deep breathing breaks. Mindful movement breaks. Reminding ourselves and our students to take a deep breath.

We all need the litter reminders and breaks. Don't be afraid to say it and utilize it. 

The video clip above is a cute 4.5 year old (cutest in my opinion) reminding her daddy to take deep breaths. Can you tell that we practice mindfulness together?? 

From time to time I like to share out resources to help build your mindfulness library. This week you will find some old and maybe some need resources listed beloe.

Resources to Help with Mindfulness:

Inner Explorer .... which you can now access through your Clever! Inner Explorer
ALO Mindfulness with Yoga ... mindfulness and movement! ALO
Kira Willey ... she has mindfulness, songs, movement, books Kira W
Cosmic Kids ... yoga and mindfulness Cosmic Kids
Mind Yeti ... this cute yeti helps work on mindful breathing Mind Yeti ... a good read on the basics of mindfulness Mindfulness
Calming Strategies... free printable poster  Mindful Calming
Big Life Journal ... list of resources such as books and apps Big Life Journal

Please share out your favorite resource too. I love building our mindfulness library.

Remember I have mindfulness cards, books, and activities you can check out from my office. You can also have me as a resource in your room. I would love to come help talk to your students about the whys and hows of mindfulness and practice with them and you!

We are embracing the suck of winter weather and testing together. We can come out on the other side stronger and calmer, just remember to breathe. 

Mindfulness can help us all. Here are five researched backed reasons why we, as adults should practice with our students and on our own.

1. Helps improve heart health

2. Decreases cognitive decline from aging

3. Improves immune response

4. Reduces cell aging

5. Reduces psychological pain 

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