Friday, October 13, 2023

Let Go Like A Tree

While my daughter may choose to see it as Elsa teaching to Let It Go, I prefer the idea of the trees teaching us this mindfulness.

The season of Autumn can teach us that there is beauty in change and letting go. The leaves on the trees turn brilliant and beautiful colors as they allow the passing of one season to the next. When looking up the above quote I found a variety of variations, some which even included the concept that Fall teaches us to let go of dead things. We may not like this imagery but it is an honest depiction of the transition from Summer to Fall as we prepare for Winter. 

We can learn from the trees and let go of what should be dead to us. We can do this with the help of mindfulness.

In my research this week I found a helpful article from the Centre for Clinical Interventions in Australia.

This article was about a mindfulness practice on letting go. In it we are reminded that mindfulness is designed to help us skillfully disengage from negative thinking and let it go. We can untangle our thoughts and feelings and let go of what does not serve our greater mental health.

The practice of letting go mindfulness helps us learn to notice our negative thoughts and feelings and with skill, let them go.

Sometimes our thought and feelings shout at us and demand our attention. Mindfulness can help you learn to notice and turn down those thoughts. Not turn them off. But turn them down and observe and learn.

Letting go mindfulness implies in the name that we in fact once held onto a feeling, thought, or emotion. It existed. 

When we learn to acknowledge what is going on inside of us we can learn to control how others see it playout on the outside.

Letting Go Mindfulness asks that we begin by asking ourselves the question; "what am I experiencing right now?" We take time to investigate, observe, and understand.

Take time to fully explore and feel.

Then begin to bring awareness to your breathing. And begin to say to yourself something as simple as "relax". 

As you calm an emotion remind yourself "whatever I am experiencing, it is OK, I can feel it, work through it, and I can be OK."

Gently remind yourself that you can let go of a problem, feeling, thought, or emotion. Remind yourself that letting go can and will serve your greater mental health. 

This last step is key. YOU MUST LET IT GO. 

If you look back in the blogs you will find one that talks about the chemical duration of an emotion. The duration is about 90 seconds. After that we are engaging in what is called Rumination. Your brain will ruminate on something that your body is chemically over and has let go. You must train your brain to let go too.

Practice a letting go mindfulness this weekend and be ready for a fresh start next week. Find one thing to let go. And, Let Go! 

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