Friday, April 5, 2024

Power in the Positive

 Getting back into school after a break can be challenging. Coming back to testing season adds an extra level of stress. This time of year can also be rainy, like today snowy, and still cold. Recess may be inside or outside and messy. It is a lot and it doesn't seem to stop!

No matter which meme best represents you, you can still keep going! Our blog from before break gave us a lot of self-care and mindful reset ideas. We can continue to utilize them as we push through April. 

Micky VanDerweker out of Virginia Tech send out a weekly email regarding behavior. He shares tips on how to help school staff address challenge behaviors.

Last week Mickey shared a fun way to start the day creatively with structure. He shared that this idea is best for middle school students (I think upper elementary could do it too). Have your students line up outside of the class before they enter. As you greet them ask them a question such as "what would you use to battle Aquaman?" After the question is answered the student walks into class and follows directions on the board.

You can take notes of the answers given and share this later in the day with the students. You could use the information to make graphs or create team building. It is a fun way to engage the students and talk one-on-one with them as they enter the class.

Another suggestion Mickey shared is positive post-it notes. This is something I have touched on in past blogs. I have also seen this mentioned by Matt Eicheldinger, a teacher who shares his wisdom on social media. Leave sticky notes on desks. Share encouraging words or a silly smile. 

I had a high school math teacher who knew I was a runner leave me a Far Side comic one day. I walked into class and on my desk this small comic from her daily calendar was waiting for me. I had a meet that day and this small gesture made my day.

I love how Google helped me find the exact comic to share. This was the best and I still remember this waiting on my desk for me. The small things you do can impact a student today. It may also stick with them for years to come!

The last thing Mickey talked about in last week's email was testing season and the Power Pose. Again this is something we have talked about in previous blogs. I also have it posted on my door. Come check it out. Take a minute or two before you start a test and have students stand. Tell them to be Superman or Wonder Woman. Hold their heads high, hands on hips, and breath in deep and think powerful thoughts. This is a mindfulness technique that helps create positive neuro pathways in the brain. 

And remember, You've Got This!

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