Thursday, May 20, 2021

Taking Mindfulness Outdoors


This is a great time of year to explore outdoor mindfulness. This week I utilized a morning check in time with a friend to engage in outdoor mindful watching. A great outdoor mindfulness is to use your senses, such as, sight and hearing.

My second grade friend and I sat outside and for one minute sat quietly seeking out three things that we have never noticed before, were unique, or interested us. After we shared with each other. We also took some time to sit and listen to sounds. We were able to hear a variety of birds, cars, and an airplane. 

One of my favorite mindfulness activities involves bubbles. Bubbles are a great way to teach breathing, patience, and observation. For this mindfulness I provide a student with bubbles. I ask them to hold the bottle of bubbles and not start until we talk through the mindfulness activity. I then explain that after we blow the bubbles, we do not touch them. There is a no popping rule. Bubble mindfulness is about a deep breath in and slow breath out, sitting still, and watching the bubbles. It is an opportunity to ask students to watch were the bubbles go, what colors they see in the bubbles, how long does it take them to pop, and how many they were able to blow with one breath.

Other great outdoor mindful activities are to take a walk or do a scavenger hunt. A quiet walk, focusing on each step. A slow walk to observer and enjoy the surroundings as you move. Encourage students to think about the way their feet feel as they walk, do they feel wind, is the sun out, is it cloudy... You can pause to watch the clouds. You can also have a list of things to observe or find as a scavenger hunt. Have them observe a flower, pick a shape for a cloud, notice a bug, etc...

This time of year is a great time to be outside and practice mindfulness. Get students up, out, and moving. Movement and exercise is a way to boost mood. Fresh air and sunshine is a great way to boost mood. And mindfulness helps us be present, evaluate feelings, and find a way to be positive throughout the day. 

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