Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mindfully Starting A New School Year


This quote from Lewis Carroll's, Alice in Wonderland, may feel all too real after the first day of school this year. To help ground us a little more in ourselves, we should take time to be mindful. Mindfulness is simply about being present, aware, and accepting of your current self, space, and time. Enter your classroom, take a pause, and take in the peaceful sights and sounds before it all begins. Take a moment to stop by each desk or look at your class list and send some Metta (loving-kindness) wishes to your students. Set your mind for the positive. Breathe. Breathe deep. Center yourself on how you want to see the day go and then with a deep breath in and out release all expectations and be ready to accept the day as it comes.

This year, as with the previous years, I will do my best to weekly create a new blog for you to read and reflect. If you've been here and have read my blogs, you know I love my mindfulness, psychology, and growth pod casts. I listen to them on the way to and from dropping my youngest off at daycare. I utilize the information to dive deep into new research and then come here and provide support to all of you.

If you ever want to explore some good pod casts, check out: Hidden Brain, A Slight Change of Plans, The Happiness Lab, and Armchair Experts on Experts. 

Take a deep breath and remember, we are in this together. Leave comments and reach out. I'm only a text, email, or door away!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again Pamela for making the first day back all about being Mindful. You're awesome!
