Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Starting with a Purpose

 We strive to do better. We set a goal. We accomplish the goal. We are proud. We feel good. 

Now what? 

Psychologist and professor at Cornell, Anthony Burrow, has researched the idea of living with a purpose verses setting goals to achieve. 

When researching purpose, Dr. Burrow asked just a couple of questions: 

  1.   Do you FEEL your life has a clear direction?
  2.   Do you FEEL your daily activities are engaging or important?

The key is the word FEEL. How do you perceive your life? 

This research isn't telling us not to ever set a goal, instead, it is helping us map out our lives. We need to feel we are driven by a purpose that each day we work toward fulfilling. Goals have obstacles to over come (reflect back on WOOP). A sense of purpose is a compass for general life.

Finding and living out a sense of purpose has been found to create a buffer for life's stressors. Purpose evens out emotional tones. A life of purpose creates a directed life, an aim toward something greater. Purpose has been linked to longevity and likeability.  Purpose predicts health and well-being.

Let's start this school year with a purpose, not a goal. Our purpose gives us a direction for the whole year, something to strive to live out each day. 

“Purpose is a forward-looking directionality, an intention to do something in the world, it’s different than a goal, which can be accomplished. Wanting to be a father is a goal because it is achievable. But to be a great father is more of an intention than an achievement. On some days, one might come closer to the ideal than others, but it is never a completed task.” -Anthony Burrow

Purpose has been found to affect the way we interact with the world around us.

Purpose helps to stave off reactivity to high emotion situations.


Let's stop and ask ourselves the questions regarding purpose in our lives. Let's cultivate a sense of purpose. How do you feel about your direction in life? Are your daily activities engaging?

The greater our sense of purpose, the more we can help our students find theirs.

Use a mindful moment to ask your students to consider their purpose for the day/school year/life. Help them cultivate a purpose. Not a goal to achieve but a focus to strive toward daily.

What is your purpose?

Do you feel a sense of direction in your life?

Are your activities engaging and important (to you)?

Come to work each day with a purpose, not just a goal. Don't come with a goal to simply make it through the day. Strive toward a purpose to educate better today than yesterday. Your sense of purpose will show and your students will be drawn to you. Your purpose will help you keep calm in the times of stress.


Find it. Embrace it. Share it.

Mindfulness is being present in this moment. In this moment, what is your purpose?

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