Thursday, April 14, 2022

Simply Begin Again

In a blog post on, professor Timothy Pychyl, PhD quoted Joseph Goldstein's advice for mindfulness. This advice was three words, "Simply begin again." 

The idea Mr. Goldstein was trying to convey is very simply that we don't need to be harsh on ourselves if we have a mind that wonders. We do not need to be frustrated if we forget a day of mindfulness. All we simply need to do is, simply begin again. 

I love this idea. Without judgement, without malice, just simply begin again.

After reading the Pychyl article I explored Goldstein more and found another great quote for us to ponder.

"The breath is always with us, it's not that we have to go searching for it or find something that's not there. If we are alive, we're breathing."-Joseph Goldstein. 

Mindfulness is a simple activity that requires nothing more than to be alive. We only need to set aside time to, simply begin again.

This week I want to present the idea of how we can begin again when emotions take us off course. Goldstein tells us that the breath is always with us and we do not have to search. When an emotions arises you do not have to seek out a solution for it, rather breathe through it. And if you are distracted, simply begin again.

I was exploring various Inner Explorers this week and came across one in the age group for 5th-7th grade. Practice 157. This practice focused on an old poem by Rumi. This 13th century wisdom applies well to the mindfulness practice of accepting emotions. The poem, The Guest House can really start you thinking about how you greet your emotions. 

In mindfulness we ask you to accept your emotions as they are and not judge them. Now the question is, how did you first greet that emotion?


And after each emotion, simply begin again.

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