Thursday, September 15, 2022

Getting to Know Others and Building Relationships

 "You are so brave and quiet I forgot you were suffering." - Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

When I saw this quote over the summer I immediately made a note and kept it to share with all of you. The idea of the overlooked quiet kid really gave me pause. 

Who in your class is quiet and brave? Do you know them yet? 

We were all encouraged the first two weeks of school to spent quality time getting to know our students. Build rapport. Build relationships.

Relationships are key.

This week I listened to an episode of The Happiness Lab, one of my favorite podcasts. The podcaster, Dr. Laurie Santos dug deep into the topic of making friends as an adult. 

The ideas which were shared I feel can apply to how we also interact with our students. Are we mindfully building into our students, building them up, building their strengths? Or have we already labeled and dismissed students we feel are going to be a high flier?

It takes us back to the topic we talked about in PD; are you a walnut tree or a marigold? Side note; my marigold are still blooming in sunbursts of orange, yellow, and red. 

In the podcast they talked about how the best relationships are those we work to cultivate, not those that simply just happen. Most people believe it to be the other way around and do not try to make friends. But research shows us that when we work to create, build, and keep a friendship, that friendship will flourish and we will be happiest. 

Have you worked on your connects to your students? To another staff member?

Mindfulness is a great way to begin.

As Mrs. Dixon shared for our Mindful Monday, just start with well wishes. This is one of my favorites we have talked about a few times over the years. 

Well Wishes Mindfulness can also be called Metta Loving Kindness.

This was first introduced to me when I took a class called The Science of Wellbeing with professor, Dr. Laurie Santos. 

It feels amazing to send well wishes/loving kindness; even when sending those thoughts to those you do not like.

I encourage you to try with all of your students. 

In a post from a couple of years ago I suggested taking time in the morning as you set up class, to walk around the room and send a well wish to each student as you pass their desk.

Start your day with a positive thought on each student.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can comment on your amazingness!! XO
