Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Giving It All

During a week when you feel like you have nothing more to give, remember this thought. If you only have 40% to give and you give all 40%, you gave 100%.

The week before a break is challenging. Everyone is ready to be out of school and home enjoying time away. Many of us have parties to plan, gifts to buy and wrap (so they look nice and not like they were wrapped in the dark by blind monkeys, aka my husband), meals to shop for, laundry to finish, dishes nightly, and we still come to work and pour into children. We come to work feeling that we have 10%, 20%, 33.3% to give. We often feel as if we do not have enough left to give. 

I love this idea that no matter what you have to give, if you give it, you gave all. My 40% given at a 100% is 100%.

You can make it this week. 

Don't judge yourself. Accept your feelings and work with them and through them, not against them. Mindfulness is accepting without judgement. Practice mindfulness by letting go of expectations and embrace what is. 

You are making it through each and every day. 

Let your mindfulness this week be a simple reminder that you are making it and you are giving your all. Be present. Don't judge. 


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