Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Inspiration builds mindfulness

What inspires you? 

Who inspires you?

Who makes you a better person?

What makes you better at your job?

As you think about these questions, take some time to follow the links below. I found these three Instagram accounts this summer and have found sources of inspiration.


Ms. Chang


I encourage you to explore these three pages and see more posts. Matt has some great words of wisdom regarding teaching and relationship building. Ms. Chang brings humor to truths we see everyday and may choose to overlook. Kaelynn is a young lady with autism who now shares her experiences to help others. 

As we begin this school year it is important to remember that our words and actions impact our students. Being mindful of our impact and working to make it a positive one may sound daunting but it's not. When we choose to build relationships into our day it becomes a natural part of our lives.

While working on this post, one of my long time special friend students came by my office. He stepped in and without hesitation asked "why are you always calm?" Our students notice our emotions, behaviors, and attitudes. I asked him "When needing to work on being calm would you rather come to someone calm or someone angry, loud, or engaging in high emotions?" He simply nodded in understanding and let me know that so far he was doing well this year.

The Calm App has a daily mindfulness called The Daily Jay. Today's (9/12) talked about imitating others verses making things uniquely your own. Jay shared a Bruce Lee quote that can help us reflect on how to present mindfulness to ourselves as well as our students. Maybe Bruce Lee can help inspire a new way to look at mindfulness.

Bruce Lee once said " Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own."

As we give our students inspiration from our lives and  mindfulness that works for us, we can encourage them to make it their own. Let them know what does and doesn't work for you and how you have made it your own. 

Encourage your students to listen as you play Inner Explorer and find out what is useful and absorb it and calmly and quietly discard what is not. This is a great approach to getting your students to listen. They have to listen to know what to absorb and what to discard. Once they have decided to absorb something then encourage them to make it uniquely their own.

Let's work to inspire mindfulness. Let's be inspired and inspire others. 


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