Friday, October 4, 2024

In October We Wear Orange

 October is National Bullying Awareness Month.

We as a school take time to educate ourselves and our students on what bully is and what it is not. This year we are also asking that you take 5 minutes out of your day, each day, and let a student know why you believe in them.

We all need someone to believe in us. Chances are your students do not hear it enough, or even at all.

I Believe In You.

The government definition of bullying is:

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

1 out of 5 students report being bullied.

1 out of 10 students report skipping schooled due to cyberbullying.

60% of students report that cyberbullying has negatively impacted their learning and sense of safety at school.

55% of students report being cyberbullied at some point in their lives.

Bullying stops 57% of the time within 10 seconds if students stand up for each other.

If you haven't signed up for a lesson please do. Learning about bullying is important for all of our students and staff.

And please invite me to join you as you tell students why you believe in them! I would love to have a video to show the school. Let impact our students in a positive way this month. Show them there are positive ways to communicate. Show them that someone believes in them.