Thursday, November 7, 2019

I am Grateful for...

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The link that has been shared is an 8-minute lesson on gratitude when life is difficult. It’s a cute animation which is from Go Zen. Go Zen has several useful videos you can explore on YouTube.

The video talks about cultivating gratitude in less than 20 seconds. This mindful gratitude lesson teaches us to think about one thing we are grateful for and hold that thought in our heads for 20 seconds.

We can utilize the skills we began practicing last week and build this into those skills. 

Utilizing our 3Es and holding our gratitude thoughts for 20 seconds can begin to change our outlook on ourselves and others. We can strengthen our prefrontal cortex and reduce stress and anxiety.

As I have been working with students to practice gratitude and plant flowers in our Gratitude Garden, I have learned some of our students struggle with gratitude. One student even told me that he loves his family, but he isn’t thankful for them.

Breaking down gratitude we can share with our students that gratitude is defined as; the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

We can explore how we might notice gratitude in others and how others might observe gratitude in us. 

How ready are we to show appreciation and return kindness we receive?

After exploring what gratitude is and what it looks like we can then begin our gratitude list.

Some of our students may have a short list of gratitude. Some adults may have a short list. 

Take time to explore with your students the small, easy, and quick gratitudes and then begin to move toward the more complex and ever harder gratitudes.

I have started a list of gratitude prompts. Feel free to expand and add more in the comments. Let’s help each other and our students express our gratitude daily.

Gratitude Prompts
1.     About yourself
2.     Something beautiful
3.     Military *With Veteran’s Day on Nov 11 this is a great one to utilize when giving examples to students (or if you are in my house the day before is a sacred day the Marine Corps birthday)
4.     A song
5.     An accomplishment
6.     Something you’ve created
7.     A friend
8.     A smell
9.     A touch
10.  A taste
11.  A sight
12.  A sound
13.  What makes you smile
14.  Favorite season
15.  Something you like about Summer
16.  Something you like about Spring
17.  Something you like about Winter
18.  Something you like about Fall
19.  A holiday
20.  A time of day
21.  A country
22.  A state
23.  A city
24.  Any place
25.  About where you live
26.  A favorite food
27.  A favorite drink
28.  An ability
29.  A family member
30.  Any person
31.  Someone you look up to
32.  Someone you respect
33.  Someone who inspires you
34.  Something you look forward to
35.  A happy life lessons
36.  A difficult life lessons
37.  Something that challenges you
38.  A personality trait in yourself
39.  A personality trait in others
40.  Your heritage
41.  Item you use daily
42.  Most prized possession
43.  Hobbies
44.  Something about school/work
45.  Technology
46.  A movie
47.  A TV show
48.  A podcast/YouTube Channel
49.  A book
50.  What you do for fun
51.  Something that makes you laugh
52.  Something nice
53.  A part of nature
54.  A gift you’ve been able to give
55.  A gift you were given
56.  A hope
57.  A compliment
58.  A passion
59.  An animal
60.  A pet
61.  A family tradition
62.  Medicine
63.  Doctors
64.  Police
65.  Firefighters
66.  Fire Alarms—even in the cold
67.  Teachers
68.  Clothes
69.  Electricity
70.  Heat
71.  Air Conditioning
72.  Transportation
73.  Cleaning supplies (its germ season, I know this one makes me happy)
74.  Exercise
75.  Health
76.  Education
77.  Mindfulness—use mindful gratitude to be thankful for this practice which helps us be present, calmed, and focused
78.  Love
79.  Kindness
80.  Understanding
81.  Comfort
82.  Forgiveness
83.  Color
84.  Indoor plumbing
85.  Blankets --- I was so thankful I had extra in my car during the unplanned alarm and so where the students I wrapped up in them
86.  Giant Coloring Pages
87.  Sport you watch or play
88.  A value you hold
89.  Your faith/beliefs
90.  Favorite store
91.  Smiles (we had “what makes you smile” this one would be seeing others smile!)
92.  Hugs
93.  Kisses
94.  Free time
95.  Art
96.  Weekends
97.  Quiet moments
98.  Forgiveness
99.  Life

It felt good to make this list. My personal plan is to pick a few each day and do my 20 seconds of focus with the 3Es. 

I encourage you to start this practice for yourself and then begin to work on it with your students.

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