Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Mindful Side of Food

Before we even dive into the mindful aspect of eating lets back up our lesson with some science of eating. If you are a fast eater you are 42% more likely to be overweight, as compared to a slow eater. When you eat quickly you do not give your body enough time to signal your brain that you are full. Slower eating helps your brain work together with your body to run at its best.

Thanksgiving is coming up and many of us are preparing to eat a lot of food. How many of us with sit down to a meal and mindfully enjoy our food? Most of us will eat without putting much or any thought into what we have heaped on our plates. In fact, some of us may eat the main course in a rush to get to dessert.

What if we took some time this week to work on mindful eating? Take time to look at the food. Really look at the colors, the preparation, the amount. Take time to smell the food. Smell how all the different foods weave together with each other. Take time to watch as we scoop the food onto our plates. Do we place the food with care in specific spots, or does it all land wherever? As we sit down, do we feel the food with our hands, pick it up with forks or spoons and then place a bit in our mouths and note the texture? Do we chew slowly and note the different and sometimes complex flavors of our foods? Or do we chew as quickly as we can just to get on to the next bite?

With a short week at school some of your classes may be engaging in a small thanksgiving experience with your students. Before enjoying food with your students take some time to talk with them about how to mindfully enjoy the meal. Savor the experience and flavors. Enjoy the environment and company. Engage in the experience.

Below is a link to another GoZen YouTube video. It is a cute clip that is less than 4 minutes. It walks you through mindfully eating chocolate. What could be better than that?

If you would like to some help mindfully eating with your class, let me know. I would love to come do a mindful eating lesson.
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