Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Setting a Mindfulness Goal

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When a new year begins many people set a New Year’s Resolution. This resolution is faithfully followed….for a short amount of time. 

A 2016 study found that 64% of those who set a resolution were able to maintain it for one month, 46 % of people were able to keep it up for longer than 6 months and 37% of those in their 20’s achieved their goal, and 14% of this in their 50’s were able to achieve their goal.

Are we doomed before we start? 

Should we just give up now or not set a resolution at all?


What might be the key to our success?


In a 2012 Positive Psychology research study 24 Character Strengths were outlined. One of the strengths was, Perseverance. 

This study (Niemiec, Rashid, & Spinella, 2012) states that Perseverance is the persistent effort of doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

The study goes on to explain that Character Strengths can affect our thoughts, behaviors, affect, and motivation.

Character Strengths can be strengthened with practice of such things as MINDFULNESS!

The study also states that the opposite of perseverance is when we see impulsivity.

Mindfulness practice helps reduce impulsivity and strengths perseverance.

I have set some personal resolutions, or goals for my new year. One is to make sure I am practicing mindfulness on my own, not just with students. I love to do my mindfulness research, try a new technique, introduce it to students, and practice with the students. I admit to forgetting to practice on my own, for myself. But I'm getting better! I have started to do a mindful morning gratitude list. 

I encourage you as individuals to set a mindfulness goal and then set one as a class. Take time to get serious this new year and set an achievable mindfulness goal. Setting a mindfulness goal will help you and your students strengthen perseverance.

I want to take time to remind everyone that we have an amazing resource to help you with your mindfulness goal.

Inner Explorer

There are so many wonderful guided mindfulness short and longer meditations, journal pages to print, information to share, and even a link to send home to parents.

Feel free to set an easy goal with your class: We will use Inner Explorer Daily for the month of January. (start small and each month rewrite for that month)

Remember: Our own mindfulness practice helps us see ourselves better, which will aid with our ability to see our students fresh each day. 

With mindfulness we can start each new day seeing our students without assumptions, prejudices, or judgments.

Mindfulness offers our students a gift of truly being seen, by us.

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