Saturday, January 4, 2020

Take a Deep Breath and Let Go

Welcome Back!

Talking over break can be an exciting and a fun time for students and staff.

As I thought about this blog entry I reflected on my own break and it reminded me that some of our students, and staff, may not have had a peace-filled break.

Over break my aunt passed away after a 15 month battle with cancer and my brother-in-law's younger sister passed away after a challenging battle with MS. I know that another of our staff experienced loss prior to break and another during break. The holidays can be wonderful, but they can also remind of us those we are missing, the things we may not be able to give but wish we could and places we would rather be but cannot afford to make the journey to.

Many of our students may have woke up to Christmas morning without anything under the tree or without a tree all together. I don't say all of this to make us sad and shame us into not talking about our breaks. I say all of this to remind us that this is a perfect time to practice and model mindfulness.

Today I took time to take a deep breath in and reflect on the time I was able to spent with family and friends. I then let out a slow breath, releasing the pain of my loss. We can teach out students to be alright with pain and sadness and then breath out and let it go.

You can use any kind of breathing to practice this simple task, but if you'd like to connect to the newest hall display feel free to do some hot chocolate breathing. Smell the cocoa and then cool it down!

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