Thursday, January 16, 2020

Who Controls You ?

Let's take a minute together to sit in silence, taking deep breaths, and being completely present.

During that moment did you recognize who was in control?

This might not even be a question you know how to answer.
Or you might simply say, yes of course, I was in control. 
You might be thinking, who else at this time would be in control?

I want you to take a minute and really consider that perhaps you were not in control but rather you allowed your thoughts to be in control. You allowed your mind to wander and you followed those thoughts. Perhaps you even allowed those thoughts to aggravate or upset you.

Take a few minutes to watch the short video called The Fly & Samurai. While watching the video think about your own day and how your thoughts take over and control you.

The Fly & Samurai

Now that you have watched the video and thought about how you are like the samurai, I would like you to watch it again. This time pick a student who you see often struggles with focus, concentration, or behavior. Watch it and consider what thoughts they might be trying desperately to get rid of yet they keep coming back and multiplying and taking over.

The Fly & Samurai

Mindfulness can help us change our thoughts, accept our thoughts, and change/control/let go of our thoughts.

When the samurai accepted the fly as being on him he was able to change how he thought about the fly. He no longer considered it something he had to destroy but rather he allowed his mind to change it into something beautiful. He was then able to gain focus and a sense of calm.

This week take a few minutes to show your students the samurai video and talk with them about thoughts that take over and control their day. Ask them to share what distracts them. Be open to the answers. Let them share. The more we allow our students to share and we listen with an open heart, the more we allow them to be their authentic selves.

Try sitting like a samurai and taking deep breaths. Put on an Inner Explorer mindfulness and help your students gain control of their thoughts.

Image result for thoughts

*The video in this blog is a resource I found while exploring Inner Explorer (high school). Take some time to explore and see what you can find. Feel free to share out the best resource you have found. Lets help each other build an amazing mindfulness library!

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