Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Growing Gratitude and Kindness

November is our month of Gratitude. Along with gratitude, on November 13th we have World Kindness Day. Then, of course, on the 26th (fourth Thursday) we have Thanksgiving. The month of November is filled with opportunities to take time to reflect on our kindness and gratitude/thankfulness. 

Last week I took some time to post about loving-kindness mindfulness. I want to continue this week with more loving-kindness or Metta.

There is a great resource on YouTube that can help you work on loving-kindness mediations. The YouTube channel is called FableFy. FableFy has a playlist called Mindfulness Bootcamp. It is a series of 21 mindful meditations that are as short as less than 2 minutes and go up to less than 8 minutes. They are great for all ages and can be easily utilized in the classroom. 

Day 8 of the mindfulness bootcamp is on kindness. FableFy Kindness
This practice is less than 2 minutes and talks about taking a deep breath and being kind to yourself, your friends, and helping others you see in need. This is very similar to our loving-kindness practices from last week.

Today as we sit with great anxiety, waiting to hear the final word on the election, we all need some loving-kindness mindfulness. 

Our students need loving-kindness daily. Remember that over the last few weeks I have shared personal struggles, in hopes that it helps you to think about the invisible battles your students and co-workers are encountering. 

After you explore Fablefy and their Mindfulness Bootcamp take some time to continue to explore this resource. FableFy also has a playlist called 21 days of Compassion and Gratitude. Perfect for November!

Last week in my three Google Classrooms I introduced the students to Fablefy Compassion and Gratitude. The students enjoyed the posts and expressed how calm and happy they felt after engaging in the practice. These practices run from just over 3 minutes to just under 10 minutes. Again, another great way to work on mindfulness for yourself and your students. 

Give the first compassion and gratitude a try Fablefy Compassion and Gratitude. This is a great one to teach children to be kind to themselves inside and out. This is a kindness a lot of our students need to learn. I spoke with a second grader yesterday who was calling himself "stupid" and other names. I asked him if he often hears this from others. He shared that at home his mother often calls him swear words and other mean names. 

Addressing the Social Emotional Learning of  students is a proven way to boots grades. Let's make sure we help grow the whole child.

Our school utilizes another amazing and easy to use resource called Inner Explorer. Please use this with your students. It is CASEL approved, this means that it is great for helping our students with social emotional learning. 

Inner Explorer has several ways to begin exploring being kind to yourself and others, along with gratitude.
There are practices called:
Start with the Heart
Loved Ones/Self
Acts of Kindness

There are several to explore. Inner Explorer is broken down by grade levels but feel free to explore them all. I find that the high school level also is great for middle school. I have first grade teachers that prefer Grade1-4 level verses the Pre K-1 level. Explore them on your own first and find what you feel is the best fit for your group of students.

Inner Explorer can also connect to home. The Tune In sections allows you to invite parents to sign up for daily emails. When we connect home and school together we support the whole child even when they are not in our school building. 

Our students need support to cover them at school and at home. We need support to cover us at school and at home. Please take time to engage in your own mindful practices. There are great YouTube videos, amazing Apps, and plenty of books to support your personal mindful growth. 

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